Aug 21 Post
What To Do If You See Flashing Lights
Flashing lights occur all around us when we are driving. What the flashing light indicates or what to do when you see flashing lights can often be confusing. In this blog, we will cover many common forms of flashing lights and what they mean.
Turn signals: This type of flashing light can be located on the rear and front of vehicles in many different colors and shapes. Turn signals are required by law on all vehicles. These lights indicate to drivers around them the intentions of the driver. A flashing light on the right side of the vehicle indicates that the driver will be making a right turn or merging to the right. When one sees a turn signal one might have to slow down due to the fact the individual is turning.
Hazard Lights: This type of flashing light is located on the rear and front of vehicles and generally uses the same lights as the turn signal or brake lights. This light is used when vehicles are stopped or going very slowly as an indication to help other drivers. When driving in bad weather one should avoid using their hazard lights for this could cause even more confusion or when parked illegally. When a driver sees flashing hazard lights, they should be ready to slow down or change lanes. When a car is broken down or parked on the side of the road with or without its hazards lights give the stranded vehicle and occupants as much room as possible to prevent any catastrophic possibilities.
Flashing Traffic Lights: This type of light can be found on poles or cables above or to the side at roadway intersections. When a light is not working properly it will generally blink red. When a motorist comes to a blinking red stoplight they are to treat it as a stop sign and follow proper stop sign procedure. The yellow light could also be flashing. This is an indication of caution, but generally, it means one can drive through it without stopping, but one should be cautious of other drivers. Some roadways at night also have their lights blinking red or yellow to assist with late-night travel.
Flashing Red and Blue lights: This type of light can be found on emergency vehicles only. When one sees red and blue flashing lights behind them they should pull over to the right of the roadway to allow the vehicle to pass them. If a driver sees red and blue flashing lights coming from in front of them they should again slow down and pull over to the right. It is important at intersections to not drive in front of these vehicles and to make sure they are not turning across traffic. If you see red and blue flashing lights on the side of the road, change lanes out of the right lane and allow others to do so for it is the law and to keep police officers and other individuals safe.