“Older Driver Safety Awareness Week”
“Older Driver Safety Awareness Week”
This blog is intended for readers and drivers young and old. Last week was Older Driver Safety Awareness Week. In this week’s blog, we will cover topics associated with driving as you begin to age.
As humans age, their mental and physical abilities can begin to degrade. This can make it harder for older individuals to operate a motor vehicle properly. This decline can make vehicle crashes more severe. It is important to understand your medical history and the risks that could pose to driving. Could your eyesight be degrading, could your hip or knee be injured, or could you have a shoulder injury that prevents you from quickly turning the wheel?
As we age, some of the routes and locations may need to be adjusted. It can become difficult to see as the sun begins to set. It is also important for older drivers to practice their driving skills. Drivers young and old need to continuously practice and always improve their driving knowledge and abilities. Visibility can become more challenging, especially as the sun sets earlier during the winter months. Tough decisions may also need to be made by family members and individuals themselves. Driving can be dangerous. The risks of crashes can be amplified, and if the risk of crashing increases, it may be time to hang up the keys.
Ultimately it is not the age of the individual, but the individual's ability to drive which should be examined. Operating a motor vehicle can be complex and dangerous at times. It is essential to regularly assess your own driving abilities and make informed decisions to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.