Drivers Edge

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May 19 Post

“Random Occurrences: Funeral Processions”

Death of loved ones and community members can be sad and difficult times. Roughly 38,000 people die every year. Many of them are avoidable with proper training and wearing proper safety equipment, but not all of them. Deaths can also occur in many other ways on this planet. To honor those who have died an act is performed on the road to the deceased final resting place, a funeral procession. In this blog, we will cover the common etiquette for driving in and around a funeral procession. 

Participating in a funeral processing: There should be a lead car or a police escort directing you on the way to the cemetery.  Form a line and turn on your hazard flashing lights to indicate to others around you that you are in the procession. Follow closely to the car in front of you to prevent people from attempting to barge in or getting detached from the group. The procession usually drives at slower speeds than normal, so drive slowly and be alert. The laws for right of way are different in every state, so listen to the leader as to what to do at intersections. In most states, you can continue through red lights and stop signs if the lead car has passed the intersection. Always yield and be on the lookout for emergency vehicles. 

Encountering a funeral procession: In many states, funeral processions have the right of way on the roadway. You should allow the procession to proceed if they are at a stop sign or at a stop light and the indicator is showing green for you. Be courteous of the situation. Do not honk, yell, or make other loud noises at the procession. Refrain from attempting to cut into the procession. This may cause a chain event of fender benders with the close following distances. If on the highway, avoid passing on the right of the procession. In general, show respect and have a little patience.

We do not encounter funeral processions every day, and we do not want to for that means a death has occurred. When driving in a procession listen to instructions and follow in an orderly fashion. If you encounter a funeral procession be respectful and tell the ones you love how much you truly love them.