Drivers Edge

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Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute (IDPE) is a step-by-step process that is the backbone of defensive driving practices. This process prevents drivers from “falling asleep” as they drive and requires drivers to engage in strategic visual and comprehensive analysis. In this first Sunday of the new year, we will detail the IDPE process and how to implement it in your daily driving life. 

Identify: The foundation of the IDPE method is identifying potential hazards. This is normally done through visual observation done by scanning the area around your vehicle. Being able to spot a potential threat is crucial for the next steps in this process. Be on the look out for difficult intersections, drivers in the wrong lane, or animals or children next to the road. 

Predict: Once a hazard is identified, one must predict what will happen. In many of the incidents, the prediction is that the car will maneuver itself properly where it should go, however, this is not always the case. Be prepared for the vehicle, human, or animal to do the hazard that you predicted. Have a plan with the knowledge you have to make a move when and if necessary that will keep you and those around you as safe as possible. 

Decide: Once you have predicted the hazard's potential movement, you must decide what to do. Will you accelerate, decelerate, or turn? It is important to make decisive decisions. This decisive decision will lead to a definite result and allow you to fully commit to your brain’s analysis. 

Execute: Once the decision is made, execute. Brake or steer where you need to go. After this execution, start the process over again. During the execution phase be sure to maintain proper driving etiquette and follow all road laws. However, in many situations where you may need to take action the correct and safest maneuver might go slightly outside of normal operating procedure or meet or exceed some road laws. Safety is the number one priority. 

IPDE is a process that can help you avoid collisions big or small and is a good practice to become more proficient in defensive driving. This process promotes engagement in one's driving. It keeps you on alert and prepares you for the dangers. It is important that as you do this process you do it quickly and without hyperfixation on one hazard while ignoring all other road hazards. If this is something that you would like to get better at, Drivers Edge School of Driving driving instructors would be happy to assist you.