“Driving Under the Influence”
37 people a day die from drunk-driving-related crashes. It is common knowledge that one should not drink and drive, but it still occurs every day and night. In this blog, we will cover the effects of alcohol, some of the legalities of drinking and driving, and provide some insights into the risks and consequences.
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. That means it is a substance that reduces the function of the brain, impairing thinking, and muscle coordination. Being able to think and react are crucial functions when driving. As alcohol levels rise in a person’s system, the negative effects on the central nervous system increase resulting in lowered judgement and slower reflexes. As a result in the United States, it is illegal to be under the influence of alcohol and operate a motor vehicle.
A Person's alcohol level is measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. This is called Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC. At a BAC of .08 grams of alcohol per deciliter (g/dL) of blood, it observe functions to be impaired greatly. As a result, this is considered the legal limit for individuals over 21. If you are under 21, you can have a BAC of 0. Each state has different penalties and ways of dealing with drunk driving in Illinois there is a minimum jail time of 120 hours (or 240 hours of community service) for first-time offenders. The minimum fine for the first offense is $750, and the minimum license suspension for first-time offenses is a 6-month administrative suspension and a potential of a 1-year criminal suspension with a restricted license. These are all subject to increase if the courts deem it necessary. Money and time are unpleasant things to lose, but life could be the ultimate cost of drunk driving.
31% of fatal crashes are caused by drunk drivers in the United States.
The number of deaths related to drunk driving has been constant since the early 1990s. Over 13,000 people are killed every year. It takes all of us to prevent accidents on the road, but we also need to help prevent people from ever being on the road in the first place. Have a plan when you plan on drinking. Know how you will get to and from locations of drinking. As bystanders, look out for your fellow citizens. The dangerous effects of drinking and driving are documented, and it is time for people to change.
Commenter of the Month
Our Commenter of the Month for November is Chloe! Congratulations!!
Comment down below things you should not do before or while you are driving for a chance to be our December Commenter of the Month.