"Halloween Driving Tips

"Halloween Driving Tips"

Halloween is a fun night for individuals of all ages. One yearly tradition in the United States is trick-or-treating. During trick-or-treating, many people are out and about walking from house to house. These individuals could easily be distracted by candy or scary decorations. In this week’s blog, we will cover five tips to drive safely during Halloween. 

Tip #1—Drive slowly. Pedestrians should cross at crosswalks, but not all will. Driving slower will give you more time to react. Be alert and prepared to stop, especially in residential areas. Even if someone does not cross at the crosswalk, you still have to stop for them. It will also allow you to look at the fun festivities. 

Tip #2- Take off your mask. The Halloween mask may look cool, but it could greatly inhibit your seeing ability. This could cause you to miss a pedestrian running in the middle of the road. Being safe is cooler than looking cool. 

Tip #3 Pay extra attention to pedestrians. With the holiday festivity of trick-or-treating, more people will be walking around than normal at said time of day. Be aware of this and prepare your route if you are driving at this time. 

Tip #4 Turn on your lights. Halloween often occurs at dusk and into the night. Check out a couple of weeks ago blog for night time driving tips. It is important to have your headlights on illuminating the road in front of you. Certain costumes involve dark colors which without lights would make them impossible to see. 

Tip #5 Eliminate distractions. Put away any distractions that may take your focus away from the road. Phones, navigation devices, food, drinks, and pets. Make sure everything is set up and secured before beginning your drive. Take extra caution when pulling into and out of your driveway which are places we often take for granted. Even a split-second of distraction can lead to a terrible situation.

Halloween is a fun holiday of dressing up and getting candy. During this Halloween, Drivers Edge School of Driving encourages everybody to have fun, and be safe, and responsible. Putting distractions away, slowing down, and being alert are crucial steps in making this Halloween safe and fun.